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FMDeveloper.com is the home of TSC's information technology (IT) division. FMDeveloper.com details the products and services of our IT division. For more information on our products and services, use the drop down menus above, click on any of the links below or visit the site map.


Computer Repair (Los Angeles Area)
Computer Set-Up (Los Angeles Area)
Database Development (Worldwide)
Networking (Los Angeles Area)
Purchasing Service (Worldwide)
Spyware and Virus Removal (Los Angeles Area)
Technical Support (Worldwide over e-mail or United States via phone or e-mail)
Training (United States)
Web Development (Worldwide)
osCommerce Shopping Cart Development (Worldwide)
Search Engine Optimization (Worldwide)

CDML Reference
Useful Links
Sample FileMaker Databases
Tips and Tricks
Review of GotoMyPC
Website Hosting Reviews
E-Commerce Tips and Tricks
Cheap Domain Name Registration


Web Development Books
Database Development Books
Computer Software
TSC Products and Services
FileMaker 7 ODBC Guide
Custom eBay Description Creation Software

Dell's Deals of the Week

FREE Flat Panel or Flat Panel Upgrade Up to $350 off Select Notebooks! Up to $1,600 off Select PowerVault� Storage! 10% off Security Items
Dell� Notebooks: Secure Inside and Out

Dell Business Weekly Promo

FMDeveloper.com is the home of TSC's information technology division. Many people ask us why our domain name is FMDeveloper. The domain name FMDeveloper.com is derived from the words "FileMaker Developer". TSC specializes in FileMaker and other relational database development. Our team of FileMaker developers have the knowledge and experience to work with you to define your needs and design a FileMaker database system that exceeds your expectations. Our rates are over half the price charged by other FileMaker developers. Trust your next FileMaker development project to TSC.

Let us meet ALL your computer needs. From network design to database development to technical support WE have you covered. Our team of developers and technicians will work with you to make your project succeed. Call or e-mail us today to discuss your needs. We offer competitive rates, and are available for both short and long term projects, as well as sub-contract work.

Looking for a new printer, computer, laptop or other new equipment? We specialize in helping you get the technology you need, at the lowest price possible. We charge a low rate to help you get you what you need at the best price. Read more about our Purchasing Service here.

Tip of the Week:

We are moving our Tip of the Week feature to some new locations:

www.TipsandCoupons.com - Tips, Tricks and coupons

www.website-hoting-reviews.info - Reviews of website hosting companies

www.yourdomainforless.info - The place to find unbiased reviews on low cost domain name registration.

View the Tip of the Week archive in our Tips and Tricks Section.

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Have a tip you think would help other FileMaker and/or computer users? E-mail us at tips@fmdeveloper.com. We would also like to hear your feedback on the 'Tip of the Week' feature and our tips and tricks section.

Below is a list of just a few of the programs, techniques and languages that we specialize in:

Windows Macintosh
FileMaker Pro Microsoft Office
"White Hat" Search Engine Optimization PHP
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Acrobat
QuickBooks Pro CDML
Lasso XML
MySQL Adobe Illustrator

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